without ceremony中文什么意思

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  1. They were received without ceremony .
  2. Correctly , he remarked , that fool s body should be buried at the crossroads , without ceremony of any kind
    “正确地讲, ”他说, “那个傻瓜的尸首应该埋在十字路口,不用任何一种仪式。
  3. We receive on thursdays : to - day is thursday , pray come in , quite without ceremony , said the governor , as he took leave of him
    每逢星期四我家有聚会今天就是星期四,请不拘礼节地前来赏光。 ”省长和他告辞时说。
  4. He rose , gave his seat to m . de boville , who took it without ceremony , and quickly drew up the required assignment , while the englishman counted out the bank - notes on the other side of the desk
  5. Assisted by her daughter , the countess was pouring out the tea , and as hardly any guests save intimate friends had come , the cups and the platefuls of little cakes were being circulated without ceremony


  1. without book 什么意思
  2. without butter 什么意思
  3. without button 什么意思
  4. without canvas front mounted binder 什么意思
  5. without causing overissue of currency 什么意思
  6. without cessation 什么意思
  7. without charge 什么意思
  8. without charge or payment 什么意思
  9. without choice 什么意思
  10. without circumstance 什么意思


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和吸烟一样致命的五大健康杀手  (双语)

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